Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dog Off Leash Attacks Duck at Stow Lake

As I stated in my previous posts, the Dog Off Leash issue is probably the biggest problem.  A problem that needs immediate attention and change.

I have been a regular at Stow Lake (and Lloyd Lake) for years now.  At one or both of the Lakes daily. I have formed Friendships with many of the Ducks, who I stop and say Hi to and they know me as well.  I am not the only one.  There are many who frequent the Lakes for their daily exercise and have come to know certain Ducks as well.  There is a community who loves and respects the Wildlife.

It was to my Horror that I heard about one of Stow Lakes "Mascots" being Viciously and Violently Attacked by a Dog Off Leash.  This Duck barely got away, as the Owner could not even call the Dog off.  He ended up with a Three inch round patch of feathers missing, and a One inch puncture wound. Not only was I Heartbroken, I was completely OUTRAGED!  as I had mad many reports to Park Patrol and Rangers in regard to the Dog Off Leash problem.  I also have written many emails to the Park Manager Eric Anderson.  All complaints and pleas for help with this had been ignored.   

When this happened, I advanced from email to calling Eric Anderson's Office.  I reiterated the suggestion of Banning Dogs at these Two Lakes.  It is my feeling that the Park is big enough for Dogs to be walked elsewhere.  If the Leash Law can not be followed, then Dog Owners should not have the privileged of using the Lake areas.  He left a message saying, "Policy has been set".  My response to that was that I interpreted that to mean, there would be no changes made.

In my opinion, there is no reason changes can't be made.  As stated in my Welcome post, I am not a Humanitarian, BUT I will say this, I guarantee if a Dog bit a Human especially a Kid, Policy would damn well be changed and right quick!  The Wildlife in the Park deserve to be protected.   This City touts itself all over the place for being "Green".  Being Green goes hand in hand with respecting the Environment, and that includes the Wildlife.   The Park and City by proxy has shown it doesn't care by letting that Babie Bison be Killed and not doing anything in the aftermath to promote Awareness make an example of the Off Leash Offenders.  And by not having proper signage and Patrol at the Lakes, it ignores this problem and coddles the Offenders.  

I started a Petition to Ban Dogs at the Lakes.  In my opinion its best to lay it out as ideal as possible, which I did.  I haven't had much time to promote it via Social Networking, but plan to, starting with this blog.  As well, there were a few People who thought Banning was too much to ask for.  They may be right, but like I said, its the ideal and that would be my Goal.  The secondary Goal would be for signage and outreach noting that Dogs Must be Muzzled and SHORT Leashed.  Seeing as the Park maintains they don't have enough Officers to Patrol, this just seems more of the like and those who already ignore the Law will do the same with this one.  Banning is the only true solution.  If the Park wants to Save Lives of the Animals, that's what needs to be done.  

This all said, I will also start a secondary Petition to change the Law to Muzzled and Short Leashed.

Till then, please sign my Petition if you agree and or post alternative suggestions in the comment area.
You can also email the Park Manager at    Thank you.

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