Sunday, May 25, 2014

Daily Offender - Two Dogs Terrorize Ducks Everyday

I have seen these Two Dogs Off Leash for Months, maybe longer.  They are reportedly there everyday.  I always thought because they move kinda slow they weren't a threat to the Ducks and other Waterfowl at Stow Lake.  I was wrong!

Friday Night, the Ducks and Geese were resting peacefully around the edges of the Lake, when One of the Dogs picked up speed and ran fast toward the Ducks and Geese as the fled in Fear.  I told this Woman that her Dogs needed to be Leashed.  She muttered some BS to be combative and non-compliant.  I told her that her Dogs Terrorized the Waterfowl and that harassing them is again the Park Code.  She said they are "Fine" and "Will come back"!  Like this is a valid reasoning!   

I told her I was posting her photo 
to my blog and she posed and waved!
Pompous and Arrogant.  

Per usual to most of the People who walk their Dogs Off Leash, they feel no Compassion for the Wildlife that live at the Park.  She/They think they are Entitled to do whatever the F they want, regardless of how it effects anyone else, including the other Beings whose Home it is.  

Unfortunately, she alluded the Ranger that night, but she will get Cited, I'm making it a priority.  If you see ANY Dogs Off Leash, Please call the Park Patrol.


  1. Awful, some people think their above it all. She needs to be cited!!

    1. @summer - Thank you for your Comment and Support. I certainly hope she gets busted soon! The Rangers need to set a precedence at the Lakes, so these poor Waterfowl don't have to live being terrorized constantly.

  2. Ha ha, you got her picture. Love dogs, love all animals, but dogs should be on leash for their own safety, the safety of other dogs, of humans and the safety of other creatures. I am disgusted by the sense of entitlement dog owners have.

    1. @Anonymous- Thank you for your comment. ... I too love all Animals, but these People do not and that is whats so upsetting. No regard. No Empathy. You are right, its disgusting

  3. You people need to get a life. In the decades - yes, decades - that we've been walking our dogs off leash at Stow Lake there as not been one single attack on one single bird. Those ducks and geese that "fled in fear?" They understand the game (which is played on a daily basis) and fly or waddle off into the lake where they quack/honk at the dogs for a moment, then everyone (except you) forgets about it and life goes on.

    Of course, everything is different when I walk my coyote off leash.

    1. @Anonymous - Thank you for your comment, however ignorant it may be. You don't know what the Hell you are talking about. Ducks have been getting attacked, one was mauled recently and suffered near fatal wounds that thankfully healed. YOU and your entitled attitude are part of the problem. They understand the game? What the F kind of thing to say. How would you feel if some large Animal terrorized your Dogs? Maybe you don't care because they should know the game. What an Ass. That all said, your actions are illegal and one day you will be cited. So, enjoy your walks while you can. Maybe one day because of People like you Dogs will be banned in the Lake areas
