Monday, May 26, 2014

THIS is the type of Entitled Jerks that Roam the Park

In case readers don't expand the comment area, I'm posting this as a stand alone Post so you can hear first hand the type of Jerks that are at the Lake areas all day, everyday.  THIS is why Dogs should be Banned from the Lake areas.  Privilege REVOKED!

This was posted Anonymously of course.  Maybe they will contribute a photo of themselves and their Dogs, you know, since they are so proud.

You people need to get a life. In the decades - yes, decades - that we've been walking our dogs off leash at Stow Lake there as not been one single attack on one single bird. Those ducks and geese that "fled in fear?" They understand the game (which is played on a daily basis) and fly or waddle off into the lake where they quack/honk at the dogs for a moment, then everyone (except you) forgets about it and life goes on.

Of course, everything is different when I walk my coyote off leash.

  1. @Anonymous - Thank you for your comment, however ignorant it may be. You don't know what the Hell you are talking about. Ducks have been getting attacked, one was mauled recently and suffered near fatal wounds that thankfully healed. YOU and your entitled attitude are part of the problem. They understand the game? What the F kind of thing to say. How would you feel if some large Animal terrorized your Dogs? Maybe you don't care because they should know the game. What an Ass. That all said, your actions are illegal and one day you will be cited. So, enjoy your walks while you can. Maybe one day because of People like you Dogs will be banned in the Lake areas

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Reporting Offenders - Dogs Off Leash- Fishing- Ect.

I have written about:

How the Dogs Off Leash are out of control.
How People Don't Care.
How the Waterfowl are being Attacked.
How the Rec and Park does Not care to do anything about it.

The Park continues to ignore the needs for more signage.
The Park Patrol continues to be understaffed.

BOTH these issues to help Deter this misbehavior can be fixed.  I have and will continue to make suggestions to the Rec and Park via the Park Manager Eric Anderson  ( )
There is also no reason the Park Patrol can not hire additional Staff to be available to catch these Criminals.  The amount made from fines from these Crimes against Wildlife and from the Bicyclists the City allows to go through Stop Signs, would be enough to pay for the extra Staff.  Not having funds is a BS cop-out.  

The Waterfowl at Lloyd Lake and Stow Lake are especially vulnerable to the Off Leash Dogs. Contrary to what Dog Owners think, these Dogs are attacking not only Adult Waterfowl but now, during breeding season,  there have been many near misses with Babies.  

Help Keep the Wildlife Safe.  Please carry these Numbers.  Use and Share them.  Be their Voice and Report Every Dog Off Leash you see around the Lakes, as well as any other misbehavior you witness.

1st -  Park Patrol 415.242.6390 if no answer call Ranger. if no one available, call Police.
2nd - Ranger 415.831.2700
3rd - Police Non-ER 415.553.0123

Thank you.

Daily Offender - Two Dogs Terrorize Ducks Everyday

I have seen these Two Dogs Off Leash for Months, maybe longer.  They are reportedly there everyday.  I always thought because they move kinda slow they weren't a threat to the Ducks and other Waterfowl at Stow Lake.  I was wrong!

Friday Night, the Ducks and Geese were resting peacefully around the edges of the Lake, when One of the Dogs picked up speed and ran fast toward the Ducks and Geese as the fled in Fear.  I told this Woman that her Dogs needed to be Leashed.  She muttered some BS to be combative and non-compliant.  I told her that her Dogs Terrorized the Waterfowl and that harassing them is again the Park Code.  She said they are "Fine" and "Will come back"!  Like this is a valid reasoning!   

I told her I was posting her photo 
to my blog and she posed and waved!
Pompous and Arrogant.  

Per usual to most of the People who walk their Dogs Off Leash, they feel no Compassion for the Wildlife that live at the Park.  She/They think they are Entitled to do whatever the F they want, regardless of how it effects anyone else, including the other Beings whose Home it is.  

Unfortunately, she alluded the Ranger that night, but she will get Cited, I'm making it a priority.  If you see ANY Dogs Off Leash, Please call the Park Patrol.

Hillbilly Asshole Fishes in Park Lake! - Caught and Cited!

This post may have had a different title, but when the guy asked how he could find my blog post about him, this is what I told him to search for.  Every word true.

Its an everyday thing in the Park, but Friday was a tough one.  First I drive up to Lloyd Lake and see two People loitering about the edge suspiciously, then I see Orange. Then I saw RED!!!  I couldn't believe my eyes, the closer I got, watching this Asshole with a Fishing Pole, yank the Pole to hook this poor Fish and then grab it out of the Lake and as I approached, his Wife was taking a photo!  I tired to get a pic but was so upset that I didn't get the whole scene and I wanted to get to that side of Lake in time for them to put it back and not repeat.  I still see it in my mind and feel like crying thinking about that Fish gasping for air while this DEMON took a F%cking photo holding it!  I was livid to say the least. I'm still a bit traumatized by seeing this.  I took a photo of them and called the Police straight off.  Then the Park Patrol, who didn't have a Ranger available.  

There were so many things wrong with these People.  For one, their defense was "There are no signs saying we can't".  Hello, its a Lake in a City.  Second, after I told them, they said, "Why?"  Why? Ummm because there are Waterflowl that live on the Lake and can Harmed by any line that may be left or hooks, ... They just looked at me with blank expressions.    Just more People who have no Compassion for Wildlife.  

As they walked out and toward the road, I asked them if that was their car, and told them I was taking a photo of their license plate in case they left before the Police came.  The Woman said, "That's unacceptable".  I had to laugh at her.  Seriously?  Her Husband just hooked a Fish and ripped its mouth taking out the hook and she's telling me what is unacceptable.  I said,"Do I look like I care what you think is unacceptable?"  Their stupidity didn't end there, as the Guy said, He'd wait to talk to the Police. 

The Police showed up and Cited them!  Hope that photo was worth the Fine.

Repeat Park Wildlife Abusers - Caught and Cited!

I know I have the ongoing post Gallery of Offenders, but in some instances I will be making stand alone posts, because its necessary to highlight this misbehavior and often the arrogance that goes with it.

Finally I was able to get these People Cited!  Other regulars have reported them to me, many, many times.   I have only seen them a couple times, but it was brief and has not been recently, even though they go to Lloyd Lake daily.  I have told them, "Your Dogs need to be Leashed" and "Your Dogs shouldn't be in the Lake".  They just smile and ignore.

Their routine is this:

They arrive and their Two Dogs are let out to run wild.  Chasing and Terrorizing all the Ducks sleeping at the shore into the Water.  The Woman throws a bag of Bagels into the Lake, creating a feeding frenzy.  The Man throws a Ball into the Lake, so the Dogs then jump in and chase the Ducks in the Water!  Like its a F%cking Duck Hunting Club!  This is all very heartbreaking to watch.  

She showed up Friday before last as I was leaving and the routine proceeded.  I took photos and called Park Patrol.  They had no one available at the time, so told me to call the Police (Non-ER #).  They sent someone out right away.  While I was talking to the Officer, the Woman comes by with her Dog Off Leash galloping past, and she waves to the Officer and says, "I'm here everyday!"   I could not believe how pompous!  The Ranger showed up as well and they were Cited.

Please Help Keep the Waterfowl Safe.  If you see these People offending again (or any other Dogs Off Leash/In Lake), Please call Park Patrol and/or the Police.  Let them know they have been Reported and Cited before.

Petition - Call to Action to Repair Bison Fence - ATTN San Francisco Recreation and Park

I started a Petition calling to Action for Repairs to Bison Paddock Fence. 

The fence at the Bison Paddock has been breachable for over Three years.  A Bison Babie died as the result of an Off Leash Dog who dug under the fence and gained access to the Paddock.

Three yrs later the fence still has breachable Points where both Canines (Off Leash Dogs and Coyotes) can gain access, as well no proper overhead barrier from Human Intruders.  Last week someone jumped the fence and went into these Animals home and harrassed them.  This is all unacceptable.

Golden Gate Park Officials need to repair these issues.

Adding Barbed and/or Electric Wire above the Perimeter of the Barrier Fencing.

Adding proper Barrier below the fencing to prevent digging by Canines and other Wildlife.  Adding below ground fencing OR Bricking from below ground to ground level fence.

Please sign this Petition and help to Keep the Bison Safe!

Please Read, Sign, Share!  Thank you!

Bison Paddock Breached Again!

Glad I posted about the previous Bison incident as the next morning, Monday May 19, 2014, day after the famed San Francisco Bay to Breakers Race, there was an incident at the Bison Paddock.  One of the "revelers" breached the barrier and entered the Bison's home.

While some might think this is funny or all in fun, it is neither.  These Animals and all the Wildlife that live in Golden Gate Park, are Victims of intruding and harassing behavior by Humans constantly.  

I will say two things about this.  

First, every Event in the Park disturbs the peaceful Environment it should be.  These Races, the Concerts especially, they all draw too many People at one time.  They Park is left in shambles every time.  Garbage everywhere, that often does not get cleaned up.  I went to the Bison (as you will see noted next) and there was broken glass and bottles all around the perimeter.  Additionally as mentioned the Wildlife have to contend with drunken and even more stupid and sinister behavior than usual. People pissing and shitting about.  Its disgusting.  You find Clothes, Condoms, all sorts of shit that just lays around the Park not picked up.  People come and abuse the privilege of the Park. 

Second, the Bison Paddock still has the same breachable barrier issues I posted about Three years ago. After this current News report, I went out there to check the fencing as I had wanted to do for sometime just to see if there were any changes.   I knew there wouldn't be, and the Rec and Park didn't disappoint.  Unbelievable the state of the fencing.  I walked almost 3/4 of the perimeter and found many of the same points of issue as before.  Points where I could stick part of my foot under the fencing. Points where half-assed band-aids have been put to prevent Animals from digging their way in.  This said, the Park KNOWS that this is a possibility or they wouldn't put those band-aids there in the first place.  They know that Babie Bison was killed as a direct result of an Off-Leash Dog digging under the fence and gaining access to the enclosure.  They know that the Coyotes inhabit that immediate area ( note to Park, Coyotes are basically Dogs).  They know this poses a Safety issue to these Animals, yet in Three yrs they have done nothing to fix this problem.  

That all said, there is no barbed or electric wiring above the perimeter fence.  I have personally seen people climbing this fence (yes I called the Ranger) trying to gain access to the Bison.  So, these poor Animals are out there 24/7 vulnerable to Intruders both Human and Animal, and the Park doesn't care. The Zoo takes care of these Animals, and they should be calling attention to these issues, but I have little faith that they do.  The Park is responsible for the maintenance of the fencing and grounds.  The state of this fence is shameful.

This fence is probably less than 10 ft tall and breachable by anyone who wants to climb it, day or night.  NOTE to Park:  ADD some damn barbed and/or electric wire!

 A few of the many (20+) breachable by under digging.

Note to the right the broken pieces of concrete that are placed to prevent digging.  These obstacles are all around the perimeter where there is space such as where my foot is, as well as other soft sanded areas.

Soft Sand band-aids are diggable

These fences should be into the ground a few feet to prevent digging, not have band-aids. AND if they must have band-aids, why not do it proper and uniform, using actual bricks to form an actual barrier that starts under the ground and is built up to fence.  Plain laziness and not caring.

Proof that no one cares.  This graffiti'd sign shows they don't care one about how the place looks, and two about the message of the sign.  As well there is an old tattered caution tape dangling, that could easily be torn by Humans or Winds and end up in the Bison Paddock, where it could pose a health threat.

Taken from:
"The seven bison were purchased from a ranch in Redding. Assemblywoman Fiona Ma helped arrange funding and U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband Dick Blum chipped-in toward the nearly $7,200 price tag. He also donated $50,000 to update the bison’s crumbling paddock. 
“In fact, the story goes Mr. Blum purchased a herd of bison in honor of his wife in 1984,” said San Francisco Parks and Recreation director Phil Ginsburg."
Park Director Phil Ginsburg, Fiona Ma, Dick Blum and Senator Feinstein should all take a look at this issue and fix it.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Gallery of Off Leash Offenders

I've started taking photos of the Offenders.  I miss way more than I catch because I'm trying to protect the Ducks from being Attacked.  But these are the ones from recent and I will continue to post them here.

STOW LAKE 4.8.14

STOW LAKE 4.21.14

STOW LAKE 4.24.14

Video of the Dog that almost got the Babies.

Dog Off Leash Attacks Duck at Stow Lake

As I stated in my previous posts, the Dog Off Leash issue is probably the biggest problem.  A problem that needs immediate attention and change.

I have been a regular at Stow Lake (and Lloyd Lake) for years now.  At one or both of the Lakes daily. I have formed Friendships with many of the Ducks, who I stop and say Hi to and they know me as well.  I am not the only one.  There are many who frequent the Lakes for their daily exercise and have come to know certain Ducks as well.  There is a community who loves and respects the Wildlife.

It was to my Horror that I heard about one of Stow Lakes "Mascots" being Viciously and Violently Attacked by a Dog Off Leash.  This Duck barely got away, as the Owner could not even call the Dog off.  He ended up with a Three inch round patch of feathers missing, and a One inch puncture wound. Not only was I Heartbroken, I was completely OUTRAGED!  as I had mad many reports to Park Patrol and Rangers in regard to the Dog Off Leash problem.  I also have written many emails to the Park Manager Eric Anderson.  All complaints and pleas for help with this had been ignored.   

When this happened, I advanced from email to calling Eric Anderson's Office.  I reiterated the suggestion of Banning Dogs at these Two Lakes.  It is my feeling that the Park is big enough for Dogs to be walked elsewhere.  If the Leash Law can not be followed, then Dog Owners should not have the privileged of using the Lake areas.  He left a message saying, "Policy has been set".  My response to that was that I interpreted that to mean, there would be no changes made.

In my opinion, there is no reason changes can't be made.  As stated in my Welcome post, I am not a Humanitarian, BUT I will say this, I guarantee if a Dog bit a Human especially a Kid, Policy would damn well be changed and right quick!  The Wildlife in the Park deserve to be protected.   This City touts itself all over the place for being "Green".  Being Green goes hand in hand with respecting the Environment, and that includes the Wildlife.   The Park and City by proxy has shown it doesn't care by letting that Babie Bison be Killed and not doing anything in the aftermath to promote Awareness make an example of the Off Leash Offenders.  And by not having proper signage and Patrol at the Lakes, it ignores this problem and coddles the Offenders.  

I started a Petition to Ban Dogs at the Lakes.  In my opinion its best to lay it out as ideal as possible, which I did.  I haven't had much time to promote it via Social Networking, but plan to, starting with this blog.  As well, there were a few People who thought Banning was too much to ask for.  They may be right, but like I said, its the ideal and that would be my Goal.  The secondary Goal would be for signage and outreach noting that Dogs Must be Muzzled and SHORT Leashed.  Seeing as the Park maintains they don't have enough Officers to Patrol, this just seems more of the like and those who already ignore the Law will do the same with this one.  Banning is the only true solution.  If the Park wants to Save Lives of the Animals, that's what needs to be done.  

This all said, I will also start a secondary Petition to change the Law to Muzzled and Short Leashed.

Till then, please sign my Petition if you agree and or post alternative suggestions in the comment area.
You can also email the Park Manager at    Thank you.

Act With Empathy - Animals Feel Too!

If you read my Welcome post you saw my tagline Act With Empathy.  This means, let your Actions and Behavior towards Animals reflect how you would feel in the same circumstance.  

It is written in the Park Code, that it is unlawful to (among other things) Terrorize or Harass, the Animals/Wildlife that live in Golden Gate Park.  It should also be noted that these offenses are against the Law outside the Park as well.

Under the umbrella of Terrorizing/Harassing, is Chasing, Touching, Kicking, and any other Motion towards the Animals that cause them to be Startled or flee in Fear.

The Waterfowl/Ducks who live at the Lakes in Golden Gate Park are continually Terrorized by Humans and the bigger problem, Dogs Off Leash.  While it would be ideal for Adults to teach their Children not to Chase the Ducks, it seems to fall into the category of, you can't teach stupid.  Sorry for those who will be offended by my bluntness, but I don't mince words, I'm not PC about about things when it regards an Animals Safety.  If you are offended then this blog will not be the place for you.  If you care about Animals and want to be Aware of these problems and try to make change to help them, then you're in the right place.  That said, most of the time its the Adults who are the problem and the perpetrator of Misbehavior.

I have had Humans say things like, "They don't care" , "Its not harming them", "They need the excercise", ...  These are unfeeling and unacceptable.  They deserve to be treated with respect and compassion in the same way you would want to be.  Please spread the word by being the Voice for these Animals.  They just want some Peace like everyone else.  If you see them being chased or harassed in anyway, say something or call the Park Patrol, Ranger, or SFPD non-ER dispatch.  I will provide all these numbers tomorrow. (5/19/14).  

I have witnessed Humans, do some Evil things to the Animals, that I'm not going to list right now, because I'm not sure whether that will make them even more vulnerable to these actions.

What I will do right now, is start to document the Actions I see in regard to Dogs off Leash and start a Petition to get some changes made at the Two Lakes which are hardest hit by these Offenders, Stow Lake and Lloyd Lake.

Past Thoughts Still Relevant - Bison Babie Killed by Off Leash Dog January 2012

As noted in my Welcome post, this Tragic Event directly relates to current problem in Golden Gate Park, primarily at Stow Lake and Lloyd Lake.

I was heartbroken and frustrated that once again there was an issue with safety regarding the Animals managed by the San Francisco Zoo, in association with the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department. 

Sadly this Event concerned the Death of one of the Park's (then) new Babie Bison. In case you aren't familiar, the Golden Gate Park has a Buffalo Paddock which has housed American Bison for over a Hundred years.  With the existing herd reducing due to old age, Seven Calves approximately Six months old were added to the Herd recently.  

At the time of the incident, they had been kept in a separate area from the older Females, first for quarantine purposes, and then until they are introduced.

This innocent Babie was Killed as a direct result of an off leash Dog.  The Dog's walker Ignored the Law and let the Dogs's in her care run wild and free.  It got under the fencing and scared one of the Bison into the electric fence, causing the Animal to break Three Ribs (and I assume there was some injury from the electric fence).  The animal was treated, but later died from those injuries.

There are so many things that are wrong with how and why this happened, but in addition to the disregard for the Law by the Dog Walker, all can be reduced to incompetence, lack of sense and poor management, both of the San Francisco Zoo and the San Francisco Rec and Park.

The main problem with the facts is that the fence was breach-able.  Who is to blame?  The worker's 
who worked on the fencing in preparation for  the arrival of the new Bison?  The Rec and Park who oversee the Park?  The San Francisco Zoo ( I would assume Hoofstock ) Staff whose care these animals are in?  Whose negligence was it to not check that this fence was secure?  Whose was it to not re-check it?  

That fence should have been deep into the ground.  It is the Zoo and the Rec and Park Dept. responsibility to keep these animals safe, especially knowing that there has been an intrusion of Coyote incidents within the Park.  One would think that alone would be a concern for not only the existing residents, but the new ones being brought in.  As well, upon further investigation on my part I found 34 breachable points in the fence, that remained the same way over the course of many weeks that I went back to check and see if any changes had been made, after I had alerted Park Officials to this matter.

Yes, the fence should have been secure, but that does not let the person who had the Dog off leash off the hook.  This person is who I first blame as they are the catalyst for this event.  I come across people with their Dogs off leash daily.  My problem is, not only for their own safety is them being leashed the right thing, dogs run and Terrorize the other Wildlife that lives in the Park.  You would think that Dog owners would respect all animals, that is not the case unfortunately.  As well most seem to really have an attitude about it.

THIS is one of the MAIN issues that will be addressed in this blog.  Off Leash Dogs.   ... Its been Three years since this Event and there are STILL no updated Signs, or regular Patroling and Citing being done.  The Rec and Park STILL does not utilize Social Media to remind and repeat behavior guidelines for those Visiting the Park.  DOG Owners/Walkers STILL have no Empathy/Concern/Compassion for other Beings.  THIS MUST CHANGE!


This blog has been a long time coming.  I started one similar a few years ago, when after seeing Dry Ice Dumped into Lloyd Lake the day after the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Event ended.  I was first concerned for the Waterfowl that live at the Lake, and outraged at the complete disrespect of the Event Vendors.  I did some investigating and confirmed that it was indeed Vendors.  I will right here in the first paragraph note that I am no Humanitarian.  My exclusive concern is for the Wildlife who make the Park their home.  That is the main purpose of this blog.  That said, there will be instances that I note other issues.

The second second post I wrote was in regard to one of the Bison (at the time a Calf) being killed as the result of an off leash Dog.  I was outraged by this.  The lack of Sense shown by all parties involved.  The Dog Owner/Walker, the San Francisco Rec and Park, and the San Francisco Zoo Animal Care Staff, mainly the Vet.  I will post about this in the following post as even though its in the past, it is relevant to today's current issues, primarily Dogs Off Leash.

I promote Act With Empathy.  What does that mean?  It means your Actions/should reflect how you would Feel.  

As a Native and Resident of the Richmond District, having Golden Gate Park as my "backyard" has been a privilege.   Unfortunately that does not hold the same for many others.  I am in the Park almost daily and all I witness is Misbehavior by those who think they are Entitled to do whatever the hell they want.  Its a Disgusting Abuse in many ways.  Those ways will be highlighted in coming posts.

As I noted, my concern is for the Wildlife.  Posts will be about offenses towards them.  My goal is to not only expose these offenders, but to educate those who don't have natural Empathy.  My hope is for this forum to be a catalyst for change in our Park, especially at the Lake areas, where the Waterfowl are being Terrorized constantly.

Please Subcribe or follow @ggparkproblems on Twitter for updates.

Thank you!